Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Our Class Wiki - So Far

 I haven't started contributing to my wiki yet i but i started my research. I will be contributing to sports. I will be talking about all the sports that impact our american society and how the media affects it. Basketball, Football, Baseball and hockey. New media techniques have caused the sports that we love to change.

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is when information is transferred from one computer to another using the internet. there is another type of file sharing called p2p file sharing. P2P is also known as peer to peer and that is another type of file sharing. It is the sharing of media from peer to peer.
BitTorrent is a type of P2P file sharing. "BitTorrent lets users quickly upload and download enormous amounts of data, files that are hundreds or thousands of times bigger than a single MP3". (
The BitTorrent Effect by Clive Thompson, Wired, January 2005) This is an online site that lets download files and it is P2P as well. It is over the internet and accessible to all users.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Privacy & Confidentiality

With the arrival of new media, our privacy has been deteriorated. Once we post something on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter it is in the system forever. The world wide web is literally world wide. Somebody could save a picture you posted, so even when you delete it, it is still in the system.
We use Facebook to make friends and network, and people can save every single post we make. People blog every single event of their lives and they think since they keep their profile private outsiders won't be able to see what they're saying and what they wearing. Once something is up, its up forever.
Our confidentiality and privacy is decided by what we post. If we don't choose to use new media outlets, we are safe from this

Advice to Baruch College

Communication between students is difficult, so new media can help bring students together. Baruch can create an app, just for Baruch students, and keep it particular for each class. So whenever you enter a new class, everybody in that class is in a separate group, including the professor. There is a means of communication between classmates and the professor. This makes it easier for group projects, communication between the professor and students, adjustment to the class and making study groups. 
This is how new media can make it easier for students to adjust. Students are always having a hard time making friends, this app that is strictly for Baruch students can help in the friend making process as well. It can act as a Facebook type app, where students can vent and other students can comment and relate.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Creativity and New Media

Snapchat has transformed the messaging game by sending pictures instantly. The really cool thing about this is that you can draw on each picture, and this fosters a ton of creativity. My friends and i try to draw things that are current and there is a back and forth on who has the better picture. There are tons of colors and filters that you can use to help you with your masterpiece.

Monday, November 2, 2015


New Media is always fostering creativity. This creativity is being used in the music world by regular people who create "mashups". A mashup is a combination of two songs, the vocal of one song and the beat from another.
In 2003, A man by the name of Jeremy Brown created a mashup of a Jay-Z song and a Beck song. These two songs are nothing alike, not even the same genre but New media has allowed us to create this new type of music. This mashup was so creative and catchy that it was commercially available for download on itunes.
Jay-Z made an official  mashup using new media with Linkin Park. This was a collaborative album, a mixture of rock and rap. Each artist used their own old individual tracks and out them together.
As you can see, New Media is always fostering creativity.

The New Math of Mashups from The New Yorker Magazine 2005